Arduino Serial Terminal Clear Screen
So, you are printing serial data back to the connected computer, possibly using a terminal emulator to read the data coming back from the Arduino.? Or, are you using the built-in serial monitor? This probably doesn't belong in 'Programming Questions', but, as suggested elsethread this really depends on the terminal settings. Unless your question is about the Arduino serial monitor, in which case the fact that some version cleared the screen for this particular escape char sequence might have been more luck than purpose.

The IDE’s built-in serial monitor is JUST a simple terminal program. It opens a COM port, sends, and receives data. By using “Serial.begin()” you are telling your Arduino to send the computer serial data. Any program on your computer, such as these in this list, that can open a serial port can send/receive data to the Arduino. LCD Display with Serial. Includes a 2x16 LCD Display with an attached interface board that connects to Arduino vie a Serial port. 'CLEAR' clears the screen. Game Kamen Rider Battride War Psp.