Dd Number On Nevada Drivers License

Dd Number On Nevada Drivers LicenseCa Drivers License Dd Number

Thanks for using our website to find your answers. It took me a bit of research to find your answer but I`ve found some information which should explain exactly what you`re inquiring about: 'A new set of numbers on driver licenses in Tennessee have some people puzzled. A viewer contacted us wanting to know what the new numbers on his license meant.

NC Driver's License Application Info. Getting a New North Carolina Driver's License. Apprenticeship Programs In Erie Pa. You must have a North Carolina driver's license to legally operate a motor. It has the same driver's license number i've always had which is 9 digits but also has this new DD number that i've never seen before that has 16 digits. Dd number on idaho drivers license. I forgot my nevada drivers license number i switched my nevada drivers license to new jersey but i need the nevada drivers.

What does the Tennessee Department of Motor Vehicles say about these new numbers? It took awhile to find out but the DD code on the front of the new Tennessee license stands for document discriminator. The 16 digit code is a new security measure added to each driver`s license in the Volunteer State. New holograms on the front and bar codes on the back of each state issued card as well as the DD code have been put in place by the Department of Safety and Homeland Security. 'Basically what that does is identify that card to where and when it was issued,” said Dalya Qualls with the Tennessee Department of Safety. “It does not in anyway identify the driver or any of the driver’s information, just the card itself. This is one of the new security features that was implemented on the drivers licenses in March of 2011.'

' (Chris Mcintosh, 2012, tricities.com) Hope this helps! Leader Board Leading Today Pts Helpful 1. 200 99% Leading this Week Pts Helpful 1.

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