Game Megaman X4 Full
Check Gaming Zone: Full Version Games Free Download, Download Full Version Games, Full Version Games Free Download. Rockman X4 Game is Action. Also Known as: Mega Man X4 Video Game, Rockman X4 PC Highly Compressed, RIP Minimum System Requirements OS: Windows 95/2000/XP CPU: Pentium @ 100 MHz Processor RAM.
Ragtime 6.5.2 Keygen on this page. Overview Mega Man X4 (known in Japan as Rockman X4) is a side-scrolling action platformer developed and published by for the and on September 1997 in the US. The fourth game in the series (and the sequel to ), the game is the first to be built for 32-bit consoles (allowing them to use a new higher-quality art style, higher-quality audio, and a game saving system). Mega Man X4 also features animated cutscenes and separate campaigns for both and (who now has a different close-ranged combat style with his Z-Sword). Set in 21XX, shortly after the events of Mega Man X3, a new Reploid anti- military force has risen (the 'Repliforce') led by the powerful Reploid, (and his second-in-command, ).
When massive floating city Sky Lagoon crashes down to Earth (killing millions of civilians) and Repliforce is believed to be behind it (soon regarded as a force of Mavericks), X (teamed up with rookie Maverick Hunter ) and Zero (teamed up with Colonel's kind-hearted sister, ) must investigate the Repliforce's plan to build a utopian (believing it to be used for a more sinister purpose). The game was later released for the in Japan (on December 3, 1998) and North America (sometime in 1999) and is included in the compilation for the and (released on January 10, 2006). Gameplay 'Get Ready!' The gameplay for X is similar to the previous games in the series; X has his X-buster that can be charged up to shoot out a powerful projectile, he can climb on walls, and has a dash move. When bosses are defeated, X can inherit their powers in the form of a weapon with limited ammunition.
X also has armor upgrades - Helmet, legs, body armor, and X-Buster - that are found in four of the eight levels; they can upgrade X's power for the X-buster, and others can give him special abilities that he never had. Zero is similar to X in terms of basic mechanics (Dash and climb), but differs greatly in terms of combat. Zero is more up close melee style, he also has no projectile attacks (With the exception one that is earned by Storm Owl). Zero has no armor upgrades - it's partly due to the fact the armor upgrades are not compatible to Zero (It was explained in Mega Man X5). When a boss is defeated, Zero learns a new technique instead of a new weapon - he also has no limit to how many times he could use his newly learned techniques.