Install Ragged2e Package

Technical Support SWP & SW Version 5/5.5 Scientific Notebook TeXnology Document 649 The LaTeX ragged2e package Version: 5.5 - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word The ragged2e package provides less extreme raggedness than the standard LaTeX commands flushleft and flushright by overwriting the LaTeX default value for interword space. The package redefines standard LaTeX justification commands and allows their modification by the user. See the package documentation for information about using the large number of parameters that define the new commands and environments. The package requires the everysel package, which is installed with ragged2e in the TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/contrib/ms directory. Added 07/26/05 MacKichan Software, Inc. • 19689 7th Avenue NE, Suite 183 #238 • Poulsbo, WA 98370 Phone: 360-394-6033 • Toll-free: 877-724-9673 • Fax: 360-394-6039 Please email comments and suggestions regarding this site to. © Copyright 1998 - MacKichan Software, Inc.

Install Ragged2e Package

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Installs one or more software packages.

Ragged2e.sty and lmodern.sty are available as MiKTeX package and also as part of TeX Live. With MiKTeX use either the MiKTeX package manager to install them,. I recently installed MiKTeX with the texmaker editor and cannot figure out how to update the packages. When I attempt to use the subfigure package with the following.