K2 Blackpearl 4.6 Installation Guide

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The 4.5 installer can be run on clean (no previous K2 blackpearl installations) machines or as an upgrade to an existing K2 blackpearl or K2 blackpoint installations. Below is a list of all new and updated prerequisites for the 4.5 release. Ensure that new and upgraded environments are installed with the correct prerequisites.

K2 Office 365 SharePoint Online Installation and Configuration Tutorial. K2 blackpearl installation guide. At the time of this article is 4.6. Installation K2 Package and Deployment Installation. K2 Package and Deployment User Guide. K2 blackpearl version 4.6.5 or later. K2 blackpearl Installation Guide. You can download an Excel Workbook to help you organize your K2 blackpearl installation. Help file version 4.6.

The previous version of K2 blackpearl K2 SQLUM was not officially supported; however the K2SQLUM database was available and could be customized to function with K2 blackpearl. From K2 blackpearl 4.5, K2 SQLUM is fully supported. If SQLUM has been customized to function with K2 blackpearl there are a number of considerations that must be taken into account before upgrading to K2 blackpearl 4.5 to ensure that no existing functionality is broken and to avoid data loss. Database changes were made to K2 SQLUM for this release causing the upgrade to modify any existing SQLUM databases and remove any K2 irrelevant data.

Default behavior change: In this release the default behavior of SQLUM has been changed in that the default K2 user K2:K2 is no longer created by the Installer. On upgrades the K2:K2 user is not deleted from the system, but on new installations this user will not exist by default.

To ensure a successful upgrade make sure that there are no duplicate names for users or groups in the existing SQLUM database. Each user name and group name must be unique. Previously passwords were stored in plain text and in 4.5 the password is now encrypted. Note: • Certain unused columns, tables and stored procedures were removed from the K2 SQLUM database which can cause data loss or break custom configurations • A stored procedure has been introduced to allow for the adding of a new K2SQLUM user with an encrypted password. For more information on K2 SQLUM refer to the K2 blackpearl product documentation - Before you begin >Security Providers and User Managers. In this release of K2 blackpearl 4.5, K2 licensing functions as follows: There are 4 license types namely: • Developer license with the K2 Server running in console mode • Developer license with the K2 Server running as a service • User license • Server license Previously multiple license keys could be added through the Management Console. With K2 blackpearl 4.5 only one key can be loaded.

The following is applicable for clients who previously had multiple license keys: a. Upgrading to K2 blackpearl 4.5 with existing multiple license keys: If a customer has two keys, for example: K2 blackpearl Server CPU License + K2 blackpearl Internet Connector, both License keys will be visible after the upgrade. Removing a license key: License Keys cannot be removed leaving the server in an invalid state. For example, if an internet connector license is held, first remove this license and then remove the K2 Server license as the Internet Connector license on its own is not a valid license. If a situation arises in which a license has been deleted and the server is now in an invalid state, simply edit the invalid license, correct it by entering a valid license key obtained from your Regional Support Center. Adding a new license key: Multiple license keys are no longer required. When changes are required to the existing license such as adding a license for additional users, the existing license must be edited and a new license key added.

This means that if there is an existing license key/s in the Management Console a new key cannot be added to the Management Console as the Add button will be disabled. In this situation contact your Regional Support Center to obtain a new license key, edit the existing license and add the new key. The K2 Designer for SharePoint offers the functionality to surface SharePoint-based SmartObjects. The following applies: • Only SmartObjects created in SharePoint can be accessed. Games Harvest Moon Pc Game more. • From within the K2 Designer for SharePoint only SmartObjects created on lists/libraries in the same site collection can be accessed.