Lancer Save Game File

Apr 10, 2015 As my title says, i want a Save game file as well as please let me know where is the Save location for PES 2016 on Windows. TL;DR I need Steam to export all save files for all games in my library to a single location for ease of external backup.Computer's broken, need to backup save files.
Its been said before by others: if you are using windows, check in users folder. Should be somewhere like this: Users User AppData Roaming TheBannerSaga Local Store save saga1 if you can't find it just make a search. Every saved game file is paired with a screenshot. The last ones are always called 'resume', others are named with a reference. Just copy those saves to another folder and swap them whenever you want. I've been playing two runs one in normal mode and one in hard just switching files back and forth.
For S.L.A.I.: Steel Lancer Arena International on the PlayStation 2, GameFAQs has 2 save games.

This is what john sent to me, but only applies to mac: *.log.txt files are log files, so they won't help you. What you want are the save files: Save Games Games are saved in a similar location to the logfiles, in this case: Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/TheBannerSaga/Local Store/save/saga1/ Open Finder Hit Command-Shift-G to open the “Go to the folder:” popup dialog Paste the path into the textbox and hit Enter Each save file is a single.json file paired with a.png screenshot. Veronique Gens Rapidshare Software. You may share save files with others or transfer them to different machines. They may also be used to contain the state necessary to reproduce bugs. Hey I am on windows 8 (for my sins ) does anyone know how to get to the saves folder. I've tried putting it in directly, maybe i'm doing wrong? Hey frog-of-dhoom, I use Windows 8 also, and for me the folder can be found by pasting 'C: Users [USERNAME] AppData Roaming TheBannerSaga Local Store save saga1' (without the quotation marks) in the file search bar in File Explorer.
Make sure to replace [USERNAME] with your username. Also, if you want to navigate there manually, you can un-hide the hidden AppData folder by clicking 'View>Show/hide>Hidden items' in File Explorer. Why oh why is this not saved as everything else almost is in the documents.
I have 46 games save from documents mygames, another 15 in documents savedgames and another 100 in documents directly. And the only game it´s importance to save after you finished it is not using the standard way of saving games? Please tell me that you save all playthroughs online so that I don´t have to do a refound. Or that steam has them save. Becouse I wiped that computer twice since finished the first game. And thougth that I saved all imprant files by comping documents. Not some freeking roming folder.