Manual For Field Trials In Crop Protection Syngenta
Dumpbin.exe Microsoft. • 16 Downloads • Abstract Field experiments were conducted over three consecutive growing seasons () to determine the effect of use of drift-reducing nozzles (ISO 03 code) on biological efficacy of fungicides for control of winter wheat diseases and their effect on grain yield. 5 1 Upmix Software Store more. Four drift-reducing flat fan nozzles (VMD 270–440 μm) were compared with three standard nozzles (VMD 170–210 μm) at 300 l ha −1 spray volume.
Manual of Field Trials in Crop Protection. Publisher: Syngenta. Walid Kaakeh. Manual of Field Trials in Crop Protection - Arabic Translation.pdf. Manual for Field Trials in Crop Protection. Syngenta International AG, 2004 - 444 pages. 0 Reviews What people are saying - Write a review. We haven't found any.
Commercial fungicide mixtures based on 12 different active substances were applied twice a season (BBCH 36–38 and 61–63). When controlling powdery mildew ( Blumeria graminis) and wheat brown rust ( Puccinia recondita) differences in efficacy of fungicides applied by standard or drift-reducing nozzles were small and mostly non-significant. The differences noticed at control of leaf blotch ( Septoria tritici) depended a lot on the combination of growing season and fungicides applied. No general rule could be made regarding to the efficacy of fungicides for control of septoria leaf blotch. The greatest differences were observed by control of fusarium head blight ( Fusarium spp.) and septoria glume blotch ( Septoria nodorum) where the decrease (5–15%) of fungicide efficacy was determined when using drift-reducing nozzles. Decrease of biological efficacy of fungicides due to the use of drift-reducing nozzles however did not have a significant effect on the grain yield in most of the fungicide programs. According to our results the use of drift-reducing nozzles could be recommended without limitations to wheat producers applying wheat production systems similar to those in our experiment.