Rigol Ds5022m Manual

• RIGOL User’s Guide DG1022 Dual-Channel Arbitrary/Waveform Generator Sept. 2011 RIGOL Technologies, Inc. • Notices RIGOL products are protected by patent law in and outside of P.R.
RIGOL Technologies, Inc. Reserves the right to modify or change part of or all the specifications and pricing policies at company’s sole decision. Information in this publication replaces all previously corresponding material. • Avoid Circuit or Wire exposed. Do not touch the exposed connections or components when the power is turn-on. Do not operate with suspected failures.
Rigol DS5022M / Sale / Rental / Lease - DS5000 Series Digital Oscilloscope. DS5022M: Bandwidth: 150 MHz: 100 MHz: 60 MHz: 40 MHz: 25 MHz: Real-time Sample Rate. User Manual: Optional Accessories: EM5-CM integrated module.
If you suspect there is damage with this product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel authorized by RIGOL before further operations. No Provisioning Handler Is Installed Powershell. Provide Proper Ventilation. • CAUTION indicates a potential damage to the instrument or other property that may occur.
Symbols on the Product. These symbols may appear on the product: Hazardous Refer to the Protective Grounding Test Voltage Instructions earth terminal Terminal Grounding of Chassis Terminal © 2008 RIGOL Technologies, Inc. User’s Guide for DG1022. • DG1022 Dual-Channel Function/ Arbitrary Waveform Generator have clear and simple Front-Panel. The user-friendly panel layout and instructions, versatile terminals, direct. • To Set the Utility Function.. 2-48 To Set the Sync Output..2-50 Basic Setting of the Two Channels..
2-52 Channel Coupling Settings..2-55 To Set the Counter..2-57 © 2008 RIGOL Technologies, Inc. User’s Guide for DG1022. • Specifications..5-1 Characteristics..5-2 General Specifications..5-8 Chapter 6 Appendix..6-1 Appendix A: Accessories..6-1 Appendix B: Warranty..6-2 Appendix C: General Care and Cleaning.. 6-3 © 2008 RIGOL Technologies, Inc. User’s Guide for DG1022. • The Front/Rear Panel User Interface To Set a Waveform To Set the Output To Set Modulation/Sweep/Burst To Use Digital Input To Use Store/Utility/Help Function © 2008 RIGOL Technologies, Inc.
User’s Guide for DG1022. • RIGOL General Inspection When you get a new DG1022 Dual-Channel Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator, you are suggested to take the following steps to inspect the instrument.
Inspect the shipping container for damage. If there are damages in the packing or foam, keep them until the whole machine and the accessories passing the electric and mechanical testing. • Then, make the handle rotate to the desired position. The operating methods are shown below in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2.