Space Colonization Games

Sep 19, 2017 Download Free Space Colonization for free. FSC is a game of colonization, research, diplomacy and trade. A 4X approach.It is. Alright, so I feel like playing a meaty (read complex) game that focuses mainly on colonization of space, preferably multiple planets and systems.

Colonies As of May 2014, I am literally exploding with excitement to tell you that players can now actually Colonize the outer planets! This feature at last brings true Sandbox play to Ascent's insane 270,000,000,000 star system galaxy, allowing players to construct and populate cities of any size. Colony claim 'deeds' have a 100km radius each, and there is no hard coded limit to the number of buildings that can be constructed in a single city.

Players are limited only by their imagination, wealth and resources within the game. Designed as a complete city building and harsh environment colonization simulation within the already well-featured space MMO, colonies are the new Industrialist end-game for Ascent, the peak achievement for such a player. As such they have an entirely new level of depth, complexity and difficulty. Unlike player built cities in the inner systems, the new colonies have a hostile environment and no supporting infrastructure or readily available workforce, an effective balance to the lack of restriction and vast open space available. In order for colonists to survive these desolate outer worlds where lethal variations in gravity, radiation, temperature and atmospheric toxicity are common, a new technology, known as Environmental Domes has been added. A geodesic hemisphere with a 554 meter radius, these domes are the largest structures available to players to date, and significantly larger than anything ever built on Earth.

Space Colonization Games For Pc

Comprised of a carbon composite frame with transparent graphene vacuum cored panels, these domes can withstand tremendous differences between internal and external pressure and temperature, allowing an entirely different environment within from without. After construction, dome management is quite complex, although players at this level in the game are quite used to most of the concepts involved, having generally spent much of their time exploring, discovering and analyzing these new worlds through soil samples, core samples, atmospheric and oceanic temperature, pressure and composition analysis, as well as gravitational measurements. When construction is complete, a dome is initially filled with an identical composition to that of its environment - domes placed on land will contain an atmosphere of the same composition, pressure and temperature as that outside (or a vacuum if no atmosphere is present), whereas domes placed on an ocean floor will start filled with water, or liquid methane on a colder world or whatever the ocean is made of. Domes are equipped with a programmable computer interface and machinery capable of modifying all of these elements within their structure.

Radiation and gravity can be modified with a single command each, whereas temperature may need more careful, conditional adjustment. Core Player Software. Players must alter the atmospheric composition and pressure within the dome to a Habitable state before being able to bring in colonists and construct any buildings which require workers. Compounds can be split from one another into their component elements, or combined from component elements into a new compound, vented into the atmosphere (or ocean), drawn in from the outside atmosphere (or ocean) loaded from the player's ship's cargo holds. Shipping in an atmosphere from scratch, while possible, requires more than forty trips (of varying length - not every system's gas giants have both nitrogen and oxygen in ready supply) with even the largest ships available to date - so most players will opt at least initially for worlds with an atmosphere of some kind, and preferably one with both Oxygen and Nitrogen in some form. There is no hard coded limit to the number of domes which can be placed in a single colony. As many as the player can fit in a 100km radius from their colony's central point, and as many as the player can afford to construct, manage, and maintain - these are the only limits. Only Domes, Transport Grids and Automated Fission Power Plants can be constructed without a habitable environment.