Sweet And Soft Texture Pack
The above video shows a build. It’s an extraordinarily beautiful creation that conjures the quaint, comfy environment of a European market town, with tiled roofs, picket fences and homely furnishings that suggest the decorator isn’t quite ready to leave the Victorian era behind. There’s a sense of nostalgia for a quieter time, a longing for somewhere restive away from the hustle and bustle of modernity - and much of this comes down to the exquisite texture set Pon-P has used: the texture pack, by Japanese artist. The pack adds a great deal of detail and warmth to the traditional Minecraft building materials: nether bricks become thick carpet-blocks, cobblestone walls become ornate stone balustrades, gold ore becomes plaster with timber framing - reminiscent of Tudor buildings. Chiselled wood panels, striped awnings, weather vanes in the shape of chickens, distinctively British red phone booths - it’s a really well observed pick-'n'-mix of details that encapsulates a disappearing world of old Europe. Google Earth 2010 For Ipad.

With this texture pack you can create your own candy factory. Sugarpack will turn the whole minecraft world into a big sweet candy or into confectionery masterpiece! Home Sweet Home Behind the comfy styling of the cocricot texture pack The above video shows a build by Pon-P. It’s an extraordinarily.
You are here: Home › Texture Packs › Soft textures 16x16 + MCPE Minecraft Texture Pack. Make sure the texture pack is in the correct Game Directory. Download a selection of the best Minecraft texture packs. Sugarpack is a sweet and vibrant pack for anyone who loves color. Lots of color.
It’s gorgeous. Automated Activation V300. It makes me feel warm and comfortable and strangely sad at the same time. Even stranger that this longed-for European past should be the work of someone outside of Europe. I wanted to know more about this genius!
Luckily, I was able to get friend of Mojang and language expert James York to translate a few questions for her. 芸術的な背景 Do you have a background in art? 将来はウェブやプログラミングに関する仕事に就きたく、大学でデザインに関する勉強をしています。絵を描く事やデザインすることが好きなので、それを生かしてリソースパックを作り、運営したいと思いました。 I want to work in a field related to web design or programming in the future and so I am currently on a design-related course at university. I really enjoy drawing and designing things so that is how I started working on texture packs.