Xerces Sample Programs
DOM Samples Overview This page documents the various Document Object Model (DOM) samples included with Xerces. Besides being useful programs, they can be used as DOM programming examples to learn how to program using the DOM API. Basic DOM samples: • • • • • • Most of the DOM parser samples have a command line option that allows the user to specify a different DOM parser to use. In order to supply another DOM parser besides the default Xerces DOMParser, a DOM parser wrapper class must be written.

Electromagnetic Theory And Electrodynamics By Satya Prakash Pdf here. This class must implement the dom.ParserWrapper interface. JAXP could be used instead of the special DOM parser wrapper class.
Introduction to XML and XML With Java: If you are looking for sample programs to parse a XML file using DOM/SAX parser. All these Programs uses Xerces for. The sample applications are dependent on the Xerces-C++ shared library (and could also depend on the ICU library if you built Xerces-C++ with ICU). Therefore, on. Xerces-C++ comes with sample applications that demonstrate salient features of the parser. They are simple applications written on top of the SAX and DOM APIs.
Xerox Phaser 3435 Driver. However, that feature is not implemented at this time. Using JAXP would require the user to specify the -Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=. Option to the virtual machine in order to use a different document builder factory. Sample dom.Counter A sample DOM counter. This sample program illustrates how to traverse a DOM tree in order to get information about the document.
The output of this program shows the time and count of elements, attributes, ignorable whitespaces, and characters appearing in the document. Three times are shown: the parse time, the first traversal of the document, and the second traversal of the tree. This class is useful as a 'poor-man's' performance tester to compare the speed and accuracy of various DOM parsers. However, it is important to note that the first parse time of a parser will include both VM class load time and parser initialization that would not be present in subsequent parses with the same file. The results produced by this program should never be accepted as true performance measurements. Java dom.Counter (options) uri. Options Option Description -p name Select parser wrapper by name.
-x number Select number of repetitions. -n -N Turn on/off namespace processing. -v -V Turn on/off validation. -s -S Turn on/off Schema validation support. NOTE: Not supported by all parsers. -f -F Turn on/off Schema full checking. NOTE: Requires use of -s and not supported by all parsers.
-hs -HS Turn on/off honouring of all schema locations. NOTE: Requires use of -s and not supported by all parsers. -va -VA Turn on/off validation of schema annotations. NOTE: Requires use of -s and not supported by all parsers.