Xp Swmm 2010
Hi, Currently we are submitting a proposal to a client to conduct stormwater modeling. We typically use PC SWMM for this, but our client insists on XP-SWMM. We prefer not to use XP-SWMM because we've had difficulty with its stability (system crashes and errors) in the past compared to PC-SWMM. Obviously we'd also like to avoid the cost of purchasing XP SWMM as well for just this one project. Neverwinter Nights 2 Patch 1.23. The client will let us use PC-SWMM if we can make a good case why it is better.
Crystal Reports Advanced 9.2 here. My questions are as follows: 1. Has anyone else experienced instability with PC-SWMM?

Is anyone aware of a paper or presentation (conference or other) documenting the pros and cons of PC-SWMM vs. Responses would be appreciated. Thanks, Jon RE: PC SWMM vs. XP SWMM (Civil/Environmental) 16 Jul 10 00:27. Can't answer either, but I've been an XP-SWMM user for most of the last decade, and I can say that XP-SWMM stability issues have gone away, provided you're not working with a model that's been 'upgraded' through three or four versions, or has been subject to a lot of data imports from nefarious sources. The two major drawbacks I see with XP are the cost, which is exorbitant, and the data presentation, which is generally horrid. In order to get any sort of graph that was remotely worthy of including in a report we always had to export node or link data to a text file, import to Excel, and do our own graphs by hand.
Hi, Currently we are submitting a proposal to a client to conduct stormwater modeling. We typically use PC SWMM for this, but our client insists on XP-SWMM.
Their graphing module was bought from some third party, and is terrible, and buggy, and doesn't give you the basic sorts of options that anyone who's ever had a Technical Communication class demands. I have no experience with PC-SWMM, so I can't offer a point of comparison, but if you need to tap the brain of someone who's done quite a bit of XP modeling sometime later in the project, shoot me an email. Hydrology, Drainage Analysis, Flood Studies, and Complex Stormwater Litigation for Atlanta and the South East - RE: PC SWMM vs. XP SWMM (Civil/Environmental) 16 Jul 10 10:30. We use PCSWMM a fair bit. Psy Trance Loops there. Like any other model, yes it has it's kinks and areas for improvement. A point to remember is PCSWMM is an enhanced visual dashboard, with some tools added onto the EPA SWMM platform.
I've generally found that for 90-95% of the projects that we do, PCSWMM operates fine. Projects with complicated hydraulics, I've found the model to be somewhat unstable, however with some reasearch and the help of this forum as well as the SWMM users forum, we've been able to correct the instabilities. Never used XPSWMM before, however, you could check the following website and browse XPSWMM vs PCSWMM, I beleieve I've come across some commentary on the comparison before.
Hope this helps. It may also be helpful to post your question on the SWMM users website for additional feedback. RE: PC SWMM vs. XP SWMM (Civil/Environmental). And in other news, Autodesk released a SWMM interface for their 2011 product suite. It may be just a Subscription customer bonus, but that just means it'll probably be in the full 2012 release.'