All Windows 7 Update After Sp1 Windows

Windows 7 Forums is the largest help and support community, providing friendly help and advice for Microsoft Windows 7 Computers such as Dell, HP, Acer, Asus or a custom build. After I install sp1 for windows 7 64 all prior windows updates disappear. Aug 31, 2016 Learn how to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1). Select the Start button >All programs >Windows Update.
Perform instructions below at your own risk: To automate windows update these instructions may or may not work for your system however it appears to work to an extent for Windows 7 as these instructions were tested on Windows 7. MUST READ: 1. If the step below does not work verify then you are most likely part of a domain and your security policy may not allow you to perform steps below!

UAC prompts were also disabled for the duration of the windows updates so the batch files can run without interruption; be careful to restore this to default when done Caution this step will make your computer less secure, immediately remove this after your computer is completely up to date. Set a reminder for 24 hours later if need be: 1. First you will have to make sure your computer automatically logs into a user. Download Windows Xp Essential 2 Iso. You can do this by clicking start menu, type 'netplwiz', press enter or open the wizard, under the users tab, select your username, and un-check 'require password', type your password, close this window. Create 3 batch files to start the automated process.
(Open notepad paste each code into a separate notepad and perform a save as corresponding_file_name.bat) One. Save as: any_name.bat then copy this batch file to your startup folder for the user you made auto login.
(Click start >All Programs >Startup) start ' c: autoupdate1.bat exit Two. Save as: autoupdate1.bat then copy this to C: drive wuauclt /detectnow wuauclt /updatenow reg query 'HKLM Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion WindowsUpdate Auto Update RebootRequired' >nul && shutdown -r -t 0 start ' c: autoupdate2.bat exit Three. Save as: autoupdate2.bat then copy this to C: drive ping -n 61 >nul start ' c: autoupdate1.bat exit Restart or open the batch file in the startup folder and watch the magic begin! When it is completely done updating just delete the batch files from the startup folder & c: drive Once again follow these instructions at your own risk as it can create an endless loop if you do not know how to stop this process by removing it from the startup folder or going into windows under safe-mode to remove the batch files Final notes: If you run into issues running the batch files chances are you may have to look up how to disable UAC prompts for your Windows version.
The way I slipstreamed mine was to obtain the updates via this method. Click Start/Control Panel/Windows Update/View Update History double click on an update you want to download for the slipstreamed Dvd aan click on More Information it will take you to the Microsoft Site scroll down to Resolution you will see How to Obtain this Update you may have to follow a link or it will let you download it from there. Thinking of doing the same myself in the next few days as mine needs updating. Hope this helps. Instead of having to maintain a constantly updated slipstreamed version of Win7 (btw, I still haven't seen a tool to slipstream Win7 and MS does not provide a way to do it like they did with XP), I just keep an updated update ISO by using the. Mitutoyo Cd-6 Csx Manual : Free Programs, Utilities And Apps.