Elementary Cantonese Sidney Lau Pdf
Heritage Voices: Language – Cantonese About the Cantonese Language. Cantonese is an official language in Hong Kong. Elementary sch I remember taking a test and. Elementary Cantonese: Amazon. Sidney Lau: Books. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App.
A book that has been recommended once in a while by Cantonese learners. I bought one from the government bookstore. Language points are illustrated in great details. The texts would not be too out of date (checked by me:D). It is certainly one of the useful resources for self-learners.
The book is fairly old but it was well-structured since it was published by Hong Kong Government School for British Officials in Hong Kong since 1970s. The whole series contain 6 textbooks in total, elementary, intermediate and advanced levels, fifth revised. Learning method presented is audio-lingual approach. Ou may buy it at by registration. Scaffolding The Handbook Of Estimating And Product Knowledge. Book Price: HKD $350 (it was HKD 92 when I bought one one I am using, don’t know why there is such a price increase.) Page numbers: Over 400 pages It is certainly a good book, butit is also a old book. No color, no photo.

The system known as Barnett–Chao (abbreviated here as B–C) is based on the principles of the system (GR) developed by in the 1920s, which he modified in 1947. The B-C system is a modification in 1950 by K M A Barnett (an Administrative Officer of the Hong Kong Government) which was adopted by the School of Oriental and African Studies, London.
Barnett-Chao was used in the Chinese Language Training Section (formerly the Government Language School) of the Government Training Division of the Hong Kong Government from 1963 to 1967 but its transcription was considered 'over-complicated' for teaching Cantonese as a second language and abandoned in favour of Sidney Lau's version of. After appearing in only a handful of texts, it fell into disuse.: 83: 77.