Devil May Cry 3 Pc Controller Patch

EDIT/UPDATE: As this is a pretty old post you might not get it to work this way. There are plenty of comments which help most people fix the problem. UPDATE[/b:] posted this link to a potential fix: After goggling and checking this forum repeatedly for a gamepad fix. The only thing that worked for me was using part of this []. Only follow the following steps (refer to the guide if you need pictures) Install Xpadder from this []. (Run in vista SP2 compatability mode).
From PCGamingWiki, the wiki about fixing PC games Devil May Cry 3: Dante's. Devil May Cry; Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening: 2005: Devil May Cry 4. Click on the controller icon to create a new profile. Beside all the PC. But you can get the X-Box 360 controller for windows working with Devil May cry 3. Patches the PC special edition of Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening to 1.3.0. From PCGamingWiki, the wiki about fixing PC games Devil May Cry 3: Dante's. Devil May Cry; Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening: 2005: Devil May Cry 4.
Click on the controller icon to create a new profile and walk through the tabs and enable all buttons on your gamepad. Go to the finish tab and click close.

And instead of only mapping wasd like the guide tells you to. Just bind all keys to your gamepad like (there used to be a link here which is now dead). Don't forget to save your profile! When launching the game keep your gamepad disconnected, otherwise it'll detect your gamepad. Once you've launched the game connect the pad and you'll be able to play. If you want to change any keys you should be able to do it in the game itself from then on. Easier way to fix is to go to steam folder steamapps common Devil May Cry 3 DMC3SE.ini Open with notepad.
Delete all the text. Paste in #---------------------------------------------------------------------- [XBOX 360 For Windows (Controller)] START = 7 SELECT = 6 CIRCLE = 1 TRIANGLE = 3 SQUARE = 2 CROSS = 0 L1 = 4 R1 = 5 L2 = 11 R2 = 12 L3 = 8 R3 = 9 LR = 1 Then use xpadder to map the left trigger to Q and the right trigger to E. Ultraman Max Opening more. The GameFAQ's thread most people find when they google 'DMC3 xbox360 controller' or whatever has the wrong device name, which is why it doesn't work for some people, but it does explain how to find the right name and change it.
Nursing Bridge Programs In Nashville Tn. To add to this post, things worked for me without using XPADDER. Alternative for me is to use CONTROLMK. Same as XPADDER, CONTROLMK can bind LEFT and RIGHT triggers to Q and E respectively.
I only have to start DMC3 first, then CONTROLMK and it worked for me. I have the same lines as Dragarr in my INI as I am using the same type of controller. Sometime the game don't take the motion so I just refresh CONTROLMK's settings (refresh controller list and click the apply button); no need for me to restart DMC3. Best luck for everybody to make this work. Beside all the PC flaws, this is still a great game that deserve to be played.