Fast Json Serializer

Download now and start using: • N1QL: Build and evolve web, mobile, and IoT apps faster. N1QL combines the power and familiarity of SQL with the flexibility and agility of the JSON data model. • Full Text Search (FTS): Better customer experiences result from smarter, richer applications.
Quickly integrate intelligent Search into your mission-critical apps. • Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS): Multi-Dimensional Scaling delivers revolutionary distributed architecture and provides compute, storage, and processing workload partitioning to meet ever-changing requirements. • Built-in analytics: Create more insightful apps with built-in analytics.
Seamlessly integrate application and ad hoc analytical queries in real time. • Active-active global replication: Ensure always-on high availability, disaster recovery (HA/DR), and flexible global replication with cross data center replication (XDCR) that can scale and evolve with your business. • Enterprise-grade security: Compliance and security are fundamental business requirements. Protect your data, no matter where.
Microsoft Italia Sede Contatti. Package easyjson provides a fast and easy way to marshal/unmarshal Go structs to/from JSON without the use of reflection. In performance tests, easyjson outperforms. Utf8Json - Definitely Fastest and Zero Allocation JSON Serializer for C#(NET,.NET Core, Unity, Xamarin). Prophecy Master Serial.
Now with a built-in auditing, role-based access control (RBAC), and encrypted communications. Download now and start building!