Nsf College Programs Established In 1997

Community College Day at NSF. In 1997 and 1999. Eleven exemplary two-year college programs in teacher preparation were chosen in a. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION. Springfield Technical Community College. Clockwork Princess Pdf. The center beyond the period of NSF funding. CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE. The two new ones established in 1997. The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program. The GRFP was established early in the foundation's. Learn more about the history of the National Science Foundation. Two national science foundation NSF program were established in 1997 to interconnect 50 university and scientific computing sites what colleges host these two sites?
•, Director Website The National Science Foundation ( NSF) is a that supports fundamental and in all the non-medical fields of and. Its medical counterpart is the. With an annual budget of about 7.0 billion (fiscal year 2012), the NSF funds approximately 24% of all federally supported conducted by the. In some fields, such as,,, and the, the NSF is the major source of federal backing.

Systools Outlook Duplicates Remover Serial there. The NSF's director and deputy director are appointed by the, and confirmed by the, whereas the 24 presidentially appointed members of the (NSB) do not require Senate confirmation. The director and deputy director are responsible for administration, planning, budgeting and day-to-day operations of the foundation, while the NSB meets six times a year to establish its overall policies. The current NSF director, confirmed in March 2014, is astronomer, former president of. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Grants and the merit review process [ ] The NSF seeks to fulfill its mission chiefly by issuing competitive, limited-term grants in response to specific proposals from the research community. The NSF also makes some contracts.
Some proposals are solicited, and some are not; the NSF funds both kinds. The NSF does not operate its own laboratories, unlike other federal research agencies, notable examples being the and the (NIH). The NSF receives over 50,000 such proposals each year, and funds about 10,000 of them.
Those funded are typically projects that are ranked highest in a 'merit review' process, the current version of which was introduced in 1997. Reviews are carried out by ad hoc reviewers and panels of independent scientists, engineers, and educators who are experts in the relevant fields of study, and who are selected by the NSF with particular attention to avoiding conflicts of interest.
For example, reviewers cannot work at the NSF itself, nor for the institution that employs the proposing researchers. All proposal evaluations are confidential: the proposing researchers may see them, but they do not see the names of the reviewers. The first merit review criterion is 'intellectual merit', the second is that of the 'broader societal impact' of the proposed research; the latter has been met with opposition from the scientific and policy communities since its inception in 1997. In June 2010, the (NSB), the governing body for NSF and science advisers to both the legislative and executive branches, convened a 'Task Force on Merit Review' to determine 'how well the current Merit Review criteria used by the NSF to evaluate all proposals were serving the agency.' The task force reinforced its support for both criteria as appropriate for the goals and aims of the agency, and published a revised version of the merit review criteria in its 2012 report, to clarify and improve the function of the criteria. However, both criteria already had been mandated for all NSF merit review procedures in the 2010 re-authorization of the.
The Act also includes an emphasis on promoting potentially, a phrase which has been included in the most recent incarnation of the 'merit review' criteria. Most NSF grants go to individuals or small groups of investigators, who carry out research at their home campuses.
Other grants provide funding for mid-scale research centers, instruments, and facilities that serve researchers from many institutions. Still, others fund national-scale facilities that are shared by the research community as a whole. Examples of national facilities include the NSF’s national observatories, with their giant optical and radio telescopes; its research sites; its high-end computer facilities and ultra-high-speed network connections; the ships and submersibles used for ocean research; and its gravitational wave observatories.
In addition to researchers and research facilities, NSF grants also support science, engineering and mathematics education from pre-K through graduate school. Undergraduates can receive funding through summer programs. Graduate students are supported through Integrative Graduate Education Research Traineeships (IGERT) and Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) programs and through the Graduate Research Fellowships,. K-12 and some community college instructors are eligible to participate in compensated programs. In addition, an early career-development program (CAREER) supports teacher-scholars that most effectively integrate research and education within the mission of their organization, as a foundation for a lifetime of integrated contributions. Scope and organization [ ].