The Why Why Family

Why do child development experts keep proclaiming that routines are so terribly important? How can it possibly matter what time mealtimes and bedtimes occur? Apr 03, 2015 The Why Why Family (CDs, Birds, Space stations, Lightning,The Eye) 1ºPart - Duration: 10:56.

Why is family support important? Family is the single most important influence in a child's life. From their first moments of life, children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs. Beautiful Nature Sounds. Parents and family form a child's first relationships. They are a child's first teachers and act as role models in how to act and how to experience the world around them. By nurturing and teaching children during their early years, families play an important role in making sure children are ready to learn when they enter school. Children thrive when parents are able to actively promote their positive growth and development.

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The Why Why Family

Contents • • • • • • Synopsis [ ] Prior to the intro, the baby Victor (off screen) summarizes what his family members will teach him in the episode. There are 5 part-episodes in which he asks a popular scientific question, following an extensive answer by the family member with a particular expertise in the field of science involved in the question.

Each of these part-episodes has its own short intro and The End sketches for the specific characters. Each sketch title is. Prior to the end credits, Max asks Victor 'Well Victor, what did you learn today?'

To which he starts with 'Tons of neat stuff', summarizing what his family members taught him. Max answers, 'Sounds like a real big day.' And Victor concludes, 'It was, but I still have plenty of questions left for next time.'

Characters [ ] • Victor • A baby and the protagonist of the series. All the time he has questions (though these are smarter ones) to ask his family members like any other kid. • Max — and • The young father of Victor and a stereotypical mechanic/handyman. He is Vanilla's husband, Eartha and Matik's son and Micro and Scopo's brother. He seems to be the closest to Victor compared to the others. Resembles his mother Eartha and is never seen without his cap.

• Vanilla and birds Kwik and Kwak — and • Vanilla is Max's wife, Eartha and Matik's daughter-in-law, Micro and Scopo's sister-in-law, and Victor's mother who he resembles. Kwik and Kwak are running gags of their episodes and usually bicker. • Eartha (as her name suggests) and the dragon —, and • Eartha is Matik's wife, Max, Micro and Scopo's mother, Vanilla's mother-in-law, and Victor's grandmother who occasionally loses her cool.

Basalt is green with orange polka dots, has a British accent, can be greedy and transforms into different modes of transport. Eartha is also the one who cooks for their family. • Micro and Scopo — of the human body • Victor's uncles and Max's brothers who are running gags. Micro is stubby and wears a white cowboy hat (is sometimes seen without it), does most of the explanations in their episodes. Scopo is the larger and goofier of the brothers, sometimes being the test subject yet expresses his own knowledge.

They both have what look like glasses/masks, and 'dog ears' like their father Matik. • Matik and dog Zygo — and the • Matik is Victor's grandfather, Max, Micro and Scopo's father, and Eartha's husband who has 'dog ears' and is never seen without his pilot hat. Zygo sounds like and has webbed limbs.