Xtreme Rat

Heartless Riku Mugen. Trend Micro has obtained samples of malware implicated in a recent incident that forced the Israeli police department offline. According to, the severity of the attack was enough for all police computers to be taken temporarily offline last Thursday. The attack began with a spammed message purporting to come from the head of the Israel Defense Forces, Benny Gatz. The From field has the email address, bennygantz59(at)gmail. Crack Do Assassin Creed 2. com and bore the subject IDF strikes militants in Gaza Strip following rocket barrage to make it more legitimate. When unsuspecting recipients open the email, they will find a.RAR file attachment, which leads to the backdoor detected by Trend Micro as. Examining the e-mail headers, the target appears to have been within the Israeli Customs agency: Based on our analysis, this backdoor is an Xtreme remote access Trojan (RAT) that, like all RATs, can be used to steal information and receive commands from a remote attacker.

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README.md usage: xtrat_parse_config.py [-h] [-csv CSV] Input. Parses Xtreme RAT config and prints config data. Positional arguments: Input a path to a config dump. February 2014 Threat Research Blog Posts. XtremeRAT: Nuisance or Threat?

The Xtreme RAT appears to have been used in previous attacks targeting. Manual Calculadora Fx 5000.

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