Data Driven Subscriptions In Sql Server 2008 Standard Edition
Hello, I believe one further improvement, which I have already posted on Jason's message, is the removal of the wait time. What if the report takes minutes to run? What if you want to run it from a trigger? Autocad Crack File 2008. That was the issue for me, and making data entry wait, was not acceptable. Maybe I missed something but because I didn't like leaving all my parameters as strings, I added this function that replaces the value of a certain parameter (ex.
Thank you Greg! And thank you Doug, too. Your solution made an excellent solution even better!
Few notes: For Parameter Tokens (e.g. 'Comment') to actually be present in the ExtensionSettings XML, one has to add some dummy values first into the appropriate fields in the RS Subscription Scheduler.
Apr 11, 2012 Data-Driven Subcriptions in Standard Edition of SQL Server Recently I was asked to come up with a solution where we could emulate the usefulness of a data. This blog has moved! You can find this content at the following new location:

Speaking of the Comment field (in Reporting Services subscription), it can be fully HTML formatted, as long as angle brackets (and other symbols capable of confusing the XML parser) are properly substituted with etc. Good job with the changes. Thank you Jason L. Hacking Safeguard Easy Encryption on this page.

Selburg and Greg Low I have made some changes myself. First, I was not happy with the shortcomings of 'Replace' So I converted @newParameters varchar(8000) To @newParameters xml And changed the parameter looping. WHILE @parameterCounter @lastRunID and ReportID = @repID order by LogEntryId desc) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:03'; Do the proc is complete. It will exit once and finally the job is completely executed with in a 3 second window. Hi, I am on an SQL2008 ENT SSRS deployment.