Voip Integration Phone Remote Serial Switch
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We recently purchased the SG200-18 smart switch to replace a Netgear unmanaged switch. We're moving our phone service to VOIP through our local ISP as well. I've currently got the VOIP phone plugged into Port 17 on the SG200-18 (it's a Grandstream cordless VOIP phone). I want to put the VOIP phone on a separate VLAN from the rest of the network and optimize the QoS settings so that the VOIP phone has exceptional audio quality even during intense network traffic. Here's my questions: 1. Do I need to adjust anything on the type of port for Port 17 (since it looks like some form of Combo port)?
How do I go about isolating the VOIP phone on it's own VLAN (I'm seeing VLAN and Voice VLAN settings, not sure which one to use; I tried setting a VLAN and broke Internet connectivity to the phone until I went in and removed it)? Do I need to adjust any QoS settings on the switch to better optimize the VOIP phone? A couple of additional questions about the GS200-18 in general: 1. Do I need to adjust any of the System Time Settings on the switch? I'm in Central Time. Do I need to adjust any of the Green Ethernet/Energy Saving settings or should I stick with the defaults? Fs-sm100 Software.
Also, a couple of 'getting started' side questions to Cisco: 1. I've registered a My Cisco account.
What do I need to do to register my switch with Cisco and associate it with my My Cisco account? What are the benefits of taking out a Cisco Small Business Support Contract, and about how much would it cost on the SG200-18 (I ordered it from Provantage)? I'm curious to see if it's worth the money. Here's my 'specs': Switch: SG200-18 VOIP phone: Grandstream DP715 and 710 expandable handsets Plugged into: Port 17 on the SG200-18 ISP: Local ISP (Direclynx) Connection type: 3M down/500k up DSL, moving to a wireless connection coming up which will give us faster speeds VOIP backend provider: VOIP Innovations Router: Apple Airport Extreme AC model (I run all Macs and iOS devices and OS X Server on the network, so using the Apple router makes setup easier, since it doesn't QoS, trying to QoS and VLAN at the switch level) Thanks everyone! Hello, I will just go through the list again: 1.
Sounds good about the combo port. So I can just plug the VOIP phone in and go with it, correct? Yes, just plug into the ethernet on the combo port and it will work. Not a question, but I agree, Apple likely does not support QoS or VLAN. Thanks for the info on the NTP/Time Settings.
If I wanted to go ahead and try setting up NTP, how hard is it and what would I need to do? I may want to give it a quick try. To setup NTP on the switch is fairly straightforward. Go to Administration >>Time Settings >>System Time and check the boxes to enable Main Clock Source (SNTP) Then switch to the SNTP settings page and add a new entry with the IP address of an NTP server. There is a list of NTP servers available here: You will also need to make sure the switches Administrative Default Gateway is set correctly (it should be set the to default gateway, probably the Airport) so the switch can contact the NTP server.
That option is set under Administration >>Management Interface >>Siemens 6es7153-2ar03-0xa0 Datasheet. IPv4 Interface. Change the default gateway to user defined and enter the IP of your Airport (or whatever your default gateway is for your network) 4. Sounds good about the Green Ethernet settings. I'll leave them all as default.
Yeah, best to just leave those unless you have any odd issues with ports disconnecting, those can sometimes be caused by Green Ethernet, but if there is nothing like that leave it on and save a few watts. Sounds good about not needing to tie my switch to my Cisco Account. Do I still need to complete some form of product registration with Cisco before calling into Support? There isn't any registration for support. The only thing we would have you do is create a Cisco Account, but you have already done that, so if/when you call into support you just need your Cisco ID (also called a CCOID sometimes) and the serial number of your switch. Thanks for the info on the Service Contract.
Is that something I'd need to order directly from Cisco, or would I get that from my Cisco Partner (Provantage)? After the three years is up, do you offer renewals or does it just lapse? Is there a certain timeframe I have to purchase the Service Contract in before I'm ineligible? Support Contracts are purchased through a Cisco Partner, or you can get them online from CDW or Newegg for example. Basically you have until your current support expires to purchase a new contract.